Lance Gooden tweeted the following:
"Dr. Fauci lied about masks, herd immunity, gain-of-function research, COVID treatments, and lockdowns.He can retire from the government in 2022 but he won't be able to retire from accountability in 2023."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Lance Gooden:
"Student loan cancellation benefits the rich.Electric vehicle tax credits benefit the rich.Solar panel tax credits benefit the rich.The only Americans Joe Biden's presidency has benefited are the rich."Read on Twitter
"74% of Americans believe the United States is heading in the wrong direction.882 more days of Joe Biden will turn that percentage to 100." on Aug. 22Read on Twitter
"Joe Biden wants to send billions in frozen funding to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.Was $7 billion in military equipment left behind not enough?" on Aug. 22Read on Twitter